Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Reality of Retention

As I strive to increase my knowledge daily of the answers to better retention, it becomes clear to me that our industry is suffering from lack of direction.

The answer to our mission is that we need to define our goal. That goal should be to create Members4Life everyday. It isn't as simple as sending cards or email, or even getting them to purchase PT sessions at Point of Sale. It isn't about giving them a complete evaluation. The answer my friends is "blowing in the wind". The answer is to change the environment in your club, every member of your staff needs to be on the same page and that is an attitude that you feel everywhere in your club. The "wind" that blows through your lobby, hallways and all your rooms needs to be that we invest all our time and energy in making our members successful. That member success is directly proportional to the amount of involvement that we get our members to accept.

As new members expect, unrealistically, that they will lose 5 lbs by signing a contract with your club as if a magic pill is available, so it is with our retention. It isn't one thing or even two, it is the combination of your commitment to the member's success and your team's attitude that IT is about the member's need, not your staff's needs, which come first.

Act today and start the change in your club by spreading a new attitude in your club. Tell one team member to act with the member's success first and soon you can have a positive epidemic in your hallways.

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