Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Avoiding Dealing with the Sleeping Dog

There is a phrase in the Fitness Industry that says " don't wake the sleeping dog". If you are unfamiliar with the term it means that you need to be careful with contacting your members who have not used your club in a long time but still pay dues regularly. The warning is there so that you don't have a terrible change in your cash flow. What a concept to keep your business in a great light and focused on the customer experience great value in what you offer. NOT!

Pretty negative thinking, but my challenge to you is to contact ALL your member regularly, heck, plan it out and do it all the time. By keeping in contact from day one you assume the responsibility of ownership of that member's business. Engage them, get them involved in your club and earn their business for life.

Find a way to track the member's visits to your club and when you see a break from a habit, give them a call and show you care.

We are in the people business and we need to take the lead to ensure they get more than they expect.

Good Luck and Stay Focused on that member.... they are our business.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree!
I'm convinced that the type of follow up you are suggesting would earn lifelong members.
What a shift from..."they just want my money"...to "WOW, they really care about my fitness needs and results!"